Stun spore
Stun spore

stun spore

Electric type Pokémon, those with the ability Limber or those behind a Substitute cannot be paralyzed.

stun spore

Paralyzed Pokémon have a 25 chance of not being able to attack, and their Speed is decreased by 50 (75 in Generations 1-6). Stun Spore can be temporarily learned via Mimic and Transform. Stun Spore paralyzes the target, if it hits. James misprounces Stun Spore as 'Sun Spore' numerous times in this episode. Meowth replaces Jessie for the Team Rocket motto for the first time. Smeargle can learn Stun Spore via Sketch. The Stun Spore Detour Trivia: Misty reads the title card for this episode. His training appears to consist of standing out on the rocks and watching the waves smash over them, telling Pikachu that theyre on such a hot streak. Stun Spore can be passed down via breeding to Carnivine, Foongus, Morelull and Scatterbug. We find Ash, Misty and Tracey stopped of on a tiny little island so that Ash can train for The Orange League. Known Pokémon that can learn Stun Spore naturally include Beautifly, Bellossom, Bellsprout, Breloom, Budew, Butterfree, Cottonee, Cutiefly, Exeggcute, Exeggutor, Gloom, Hoppip, Jumpluff, Masquerain, Oddish, Paras, Parasect, Petilil, Ribombee, Roselia, Scatterbug, Shroomish, Skiploom, Tangela, Tangrowth, Venomoth, Venonat, Victreebel, Vileplume, Vivillon and Weepinbell. Will not work on Electric-types or Grass-types. Loomian with its name marked in italics mean that only an evolution or alternate form of it will gain access to the aforementioned power boost.Stun Spore has no effect on Electric or Grass-type opponents, or opponents with Limber, Overcoat or Safety Goggles.Īn effective Stun Spore antidote can be made by boiling the leaves of the Salveyo Weed. Stun Spore releases invisible powder around the user that can paralyze nearby players. Loomians marked with belong to the same type as this attack and will receive a 25% increase in power when using this move. Secondary Effect: Effect Rate: Induces Paralysis - Z-Stun Spore: Detailed Effect: Special Defense Boosts Special Defense by 1 stage: Base Critical Hit Rate: Speed Priority: Pokémon. Spewpa appears as as Poké Ball Pokémon when summoned it will use Stun Spore as it attack. Stun Spore Power Points: Base Power: Accuracy: 30 0 75 Battle Effect: The user scatters a cloud of numbing powder that paralyzes the target. Spewpa will use Stun Spore whenever attacked, paralyzing the opponent.

stun spore

Static Spores can be taught to the following Loomians by the Move Reminder at the Colosseum Marketplace. Spewpa, or Kofurai is a Pokeball Pokémon in Super Smash Bros for the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U. This move is available in all games of the Loomian Legacy series. Paralyze the foe with a cloud of statically charged spores. An effective Stun Spore antidote can be made by boiling the leaves of the Salveyo Weed. Stun Spore has no effect on Electric or Grass-type opponents, or opponents with Limber, Overcoat or Safety Goggles. It appears to be a paralyzing counterpart to Poison Powder and Sleep Powder, as the accuracy, Contest group, appeal, effects, Japanese names and animation are the same or very similar. His training appears to consist of standing out on the rocks and watching the waves smash over them, telling Pikachu that they're on such a hot streak. Stun Spore is a Grass-type move that paralyzes the opponent. Learn the stats of the Stun Spore move available in Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu / Eevee Move power, effect, and compatible Pokemon can be found here. Stun Spore (Japanese: Numbing Powder) is a non-damaging Grass-type move introduced in Generation I. The description for this move in each installment of Loomian Legacy is listed as follows: We find Ash, Misty and Tracey stopped of on a tiny little island so that Ash can train for The Orange League. He recognized it as her personal torture. When he finally woke up and was able to move, James discovered that he was tied to a chair in the middle of a low-lit room. Her two Machamp, Alice and Andrey carried him to the basement of the unfamiliar facility. This move has no effect against Loomians belonging to the Plant-type, with the Flutter or Immunized Abilities, or already affected by a non-volatile status ailment. 'Vileplume, use Stun Spore and Sleep Powder' James was instantly silenced by the attack. If this attack hits, the opponent will become paralyzed.

Stun spore